
BRICS expansion to widen the renewable energy gap with the G7, ushering in new global market dynamics

The planned expansion of the BRICS bloc, through the addition of new members Saudi Arabia,

By Anand Gupta

Why Brazil’s electric power sector needs to be restructured

Brazil’s government will submit a proposal to congress to restructure the electric power sector and

By Anand Gupta

Is Brazil paving the way for the future of sustainability?

Through new environmental legislations and investments in renewable energies, Brazil’s President Lula is making strides

By Anand Gupta

Nouryon Manufacturing Network Transitions to 100% Electricity From Renewable Sources in Brazil

Nouryon announced that its nine manufacturing sites in Brazil are now powered with electricity solely

By Anand Gupta

Brazil nears 34 GW of installed solar capacity

Discover how Brazil has experienced rapid solar growth since 2018, driving record-low prices and the

By Anand Gupta

Brazil to Incorporate Batteries and Energy Storage Solutions in 2024 Energy Auctions

SAO PAULO : The Brazilian government plans to include batteries and other forms of energy

By Anand Gupta

TotalEnergies, Petrobras, and Casa dos Ventos Collaborate on Green Energy Projects in Brazil

The French and Brazilian partners say they all bring 'distinct skills' to the big-name tie-up

By Anand Gupta

World facing ‘unprecedented climate emergency’: Brazil’s Lula

NEW DELHI: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva told world leaders Saturday the planet

By Anand Gupta

Petrobras buys carbon credits for the first time

RIO DE JANEIRO. KAZINFORM Petrobras reported it marked its entry into the voluntary carbon market

By Anand Gupta

EU looks for closer ties and clean energy in Latin America

The European Union has recently committed billions in investment in the region through its Global

By Anand Gupta

BayWa r.e.’s Solar Acquisition Marks Entry into the Brazilian Market

BayWa r.e. Solar Trade is acquiring Brazilian solar developer Ribeiro Solar, launching product distribution for

By Anand Gupta

Brazil eyes tax perks for energy sector, sparking ‘green’ vs oil debate

BRASILIA : Brazil's government aims to make more energy projects eligible for key tax benefits,

By Anand Gupta

TW Solar unveils groundbreaking modules in Brazil

Since the expansion of its business to incorporate PV modules in the second half of

By Anand Gupta

The BRICS Summit Should Tackle Climate Change and Energy Security

This week, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) will be convening in Johannesburg

By Anand Gupta