In Short : Climate change is increasingly recognized as one of the most significant health threats facing humanity. The impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, air pollution, and disruptions to ecosystems, can have severe consequences for human health. These effects can manifest in various ways, from heat-related illnesses and the spread of vector-borne diseases to mental health issues and malnutrition.
In Detail : As the planet warms, the world’s health systems could become overwhelmed by the consequences of extreme weather events
In the face of one of the greatest health threats for humanity, the urgent need to implement measures addressing climate change remains a compelling, yet unrealised goal.
Climate change is happening now and its impacts are being felt around the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that a staggering one in four deaths can be attributed to preventable environmental causes and climate change is exacerbating these risks.
Climate change poses a multitude of complex health challenges, from extreme weather events to the spread of infectious diseases and the exacerbation of chronic conditions. It cannot be prevented with a vaccine, or treated with an antibiotic. But we know that we can mitigate its impacts.
Reducing emissions across all sectors is critical to contain climate change and keep 1.5C within reach. To do this, the world must decarbonise its energy systems and reduce emissions by at least 43 per cent over the next seven years.
If we don’t act, climate change will soon overwhelm the world’s health systems. Extreme weather events – like droughts, floods and heatwaves – will increase in frequency and severity as the planet warms. Last year’s floods in Pakistan, for example, displaced eight million people and affected 33 million overall.
Centering health in a climate agenda
We know that worse is to come. Without bold and urgent action, climate change will displace around 216 million people by 2050, the World Bank estimates. Climate change is endangering lives and livelihoods as global food systems struggle to feed a growing world and water sources are compromised. And climate change is triggering a surge in infectious diseases like dengue and cholera which endanger millions.
Measures to reduce emissions can produce major health benefits, including lessening air pollution, which kills seven million people every year.
The connection between health and climate change is obvious. Now the international community must accelerate the energy transition away from fossil fuels and simultaneously build resilience.
What the global community must understand is that investing in climate resilience at a local level pays dividends. The World Bank estimates that every dollar spent on building climate resilience will bring an average return of US$4, as better-quality health and wider infrastructure benefit communities and have lasting impacts over multiple sectors.
Most importantly, there is a staggering toll if we do not act. Climate change is already affecting almost half the world’s population. By 2050 with a 2C warming scenario, a terrifying 1.4 billion more people will be exposed to heat stress, the majority to the most severe forms.
Health must be central to a just climate agenda because those least able to bear the impacts of climate change are also set to suffer the most. Already, the impacts of climate change are being felt disproportionately by low and middle-income countries, even though they are responsible for only a very small share of global emissions.
These disparities will only worsen. According to the World Bank, almost 40 per cent of climate-related poverty will result from direct health impacts as people lose their livelihoods or see medical expenses soar.